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Meeting Title Location Address Day Time Fellowship
Various titles. at least 1 a day for awhile. 5 out of 7 at St. Paul's Parish House (Basement) E High St & N Gay St
Mt Vernon, OH 43050
FRIDAY 8:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
Various titles. at least 1 a day for awhile. 5 out of 7 at St. Paul's Parish House (Basement) E High St & N Gay St
Mt Vernon, OH 43050
SUNDAY 7:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
HEIGHTS YOUNG PEOPLE Grace Lutheran Church 13001 Cedar Rd.
Cleveland Hts., 44118
MONDAY 8:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
HEIGHTS GRAPEVINE DISCUSSION Grace Lutheran Church 13001 Cedar Rd
Cleveland Hts., 44118
THURSDAY 6:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
TUESDAY NON-SMOKING WOMEN Plymouth Church 2860 Coventry Rd.
Cleveland, 44120
TUESDAY 10:00 AM Alcoholics Anonymous
HEIGHTS 12 STEP DISCUSSION Plymouth Church 2860 Coventry Rd.
Cleveland, 44120
WEDNESDAY 8:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
The Columbus Central Group Old english chruch
, OH
SATURDAY 8:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
EUCLID MORNING TUES. Lake Shore Christian Ch. 28010 Lake Shore Blvd.
Euclid, 44132
TUESDAY 10:30 AM Alcoholics Anonymous
SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE SE Rock Community Church 9403 Garfield Park Blvd.
Garfield Hts., 44125
SATURDAY 8:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
BORTON Forest Hills Presbyterian Ch. 3031 Monticello Blvd.@ Lee
Cleveland Hts.,
MONDAY 7:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
EUCLID WEDNESDAY Masters Evangelical Ch 771 E. 260th St.
Euclid, 44132
WEDNESDAY 8:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
MONDAY MORNING"EYE OPENER" Serenity Social Club 4821 Turney Rd.
Garfield Hts., 44125
MONDAY 10:30 AM Alcoholics Anonymous
SOBER AT SEVEN Serenity Social Club 4821 Turney Rd.
Garfield Hts., 44125
TUESDAY 7:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
AA FRIDAY Serenity Social Club 4821 Turney Rd.
Garfield Hts., 44125
FRIDAY 10:30 AM Alcoholics Anonymous
Loudonville 12x12 Group New Hope Community Church 637 N. Market St.
Loudonville, 44842
FRIDAY 7:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
HINCKLEY OPEN DISCUSSION Our Savior Lutheran Church 1605 Center Road
Hinckley, 44233
WEDNESDAY 8:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
TOGETHER WE CAN AA Grace Missionary Baptist Church 3742 East 131st Street
Cleveland, 44120
SATURDAY 7:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
INDEPENDENCE Indep. Presby. Church Soc.hall 6624 Public Square
Independence, 44131
THURSDAY 7:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
EUCLID THURSDAY Bethlehem Lutheran Church 24490 Euclid Avenue
Euclid, 44117
THURSDAY 7:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
GARFIELD WEDNESDAY Garfield Hts. Methodist Church 4977 Turney Rd.
Garfield Hts., 44125
WEDNESDAY 8:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
Step-Tradition Mtg Ogilvie Transportation Center 500 Madison Street #1795a
Chicago, MA 62812
WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
AA Group Community Bldg 120 N. Main
Colman, 57017
WEDNESDAY 8:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
DU QUOIN, 62832
WEDNESDAY 8:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
FAITH HOPE AND LOVE DISC. Kaiser Permanente Bldg.,2nd Fl 10 Severance Circle
Cleveland Hts., 44118
TUESDAY 8:15 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
OPEN DOOR TO RECOVERY Kaiser Permanente Bldg.,2nd Fl 10 Severance Circle
Cleveland Hts., 44118
THURSDAY 8:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous
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